Alright folks! I have started reading! It's a super easy read, but I find myself re-reading especially text that is dialogue. As you might have noticed dialogue doesn't use any "quotation" marks at all. I keep reading along, and then being like wait wait wait, I am so confused, and then I remember oh yeah that's part of the sort of magical fantasy genre.
I'm excited to finally be reading this book! It's been on my list for at least 6 months.
Anyhow, I have been asked by a New York City friend how this long distance participation is going to work. And I'm not entirely sure, but I have friends on both coasts that I think would love to eat cake if they were here. So I am wondering if anyone has interest in blog posts from afar. You could write something up about what you thought as you read and I would be happy to post it for us all to share here.
Another idea is for me to post discussion questions and then we can all share our thoughts as comments. Like I said originally, this is a no frills book club. Fun is all that is allowed, so don't think of read gossip smile as an obligation, but another outlet for reading, gossiping and smiling!
I started reading this a week ago, I am having a hard time getting into it. I think its because of the missing quotation marks also, but I will continue tryin g!!